For Women & Men

You are not alone. I know it’s been hard.
If you have a narcissistic partner, I’ve got you.
If you have a narcissistic family member, I’ve got you.

The Gateway to your Best Life starts with these 3 Steps

Free Discovery Call

Your healing journey starts here. You are welcome to tell me about your experience in a safe, non judgemental space and I will listen at a deep level. Together, we can craft your recovery map that will work for you.

Your Recovery

We work together to gently free yourself from the toxic psychological manipulations of narcissistic abuse. This is a vital step to recover your mental and physical health, and to create space for self-love.

Your Empowerment

You will emerge with newfound confidence, resilience, strength,
independence, and empowerment to enable you to live life on your own terms, and with emotional freedom.

It’s time you had someone

to lean on…

Living with Narcissistic Abuse & Toxic Relationships is like walking with no armour through an active minefield. Any step you take could have devastating consequences.

Hi, I’m Janine

I am a survivor and thriver of Narcissistic Abuse, which I experienced in both family relationships, and romantic relationships.
It takes courage and bravery to navigate this toxic dysfunction and restore your power. My commitment is to advocate for your recovery, empowerment, and the life you want to freely live.
You will be met as a fellow human being with respect, dignity, curiosity, compassion, and warmth. We take each healing step one at a time to move you past the psychological manipulation of Narcissistic Abuse and into a new magical world of your creation.
I’m in your corner. Being your coach is a privilege.
Let’s take this amazing, transformational journey
Book Your Free Discovery Call Today

What My Clients Are Saying

"Once in a while I find a person in this life who stands out in so many wonderful ways that it takes my breath away to contemplate my good fortune. That happened to me when I made the decision to schedule sessions with Janine Fulla. What a wise, caring, and good person Janine is! She has the attributes of someone who is a solace, a protector, and a guide to persons like me who needs direction to get free from the oppression of having endured too many years of toxic relating with family members who are stuck in sickly self-induced misery. Janine is the teacher of sanity that I so badly needed when I sought direction from her. I am so grateful that I was guided to email her and schedule a session. From the first to the last session, every moment was profoundly healing and, in fact, was more than healing. Our sessions were also a bright light on my life's spiritual journey. I will forever be profoundly grateful to Janine for having helped me restore trust in myself. When you consult with Janine, you are seen and valued. Janine has my eternal respect and appreciation for her sincere dedication to bring peace to someone like me who had been thinking that I might never again know peace of mind on earth. I wanted peace of mind for myself. Janine wanted peace of mind for me. And she delivered. Thank you, Janine, for being you."

~ Jim D. 2024

Working with Janine was a transformative experience. She coached me through confusion, fear, guilt, and grief with patience, kindness, clarity and confidence.

Meeting with Janine was well worth the investment in time, finances and …me.

Janine helped me blossom!

~ L.E. 2024

“Janine is straightforward, calls out the truth in your relationships past and present, makes you feel heard and always makes you feel safe. Traditional talk therapy never got me this far. Drugs don’t touch the deep wounds of narc abuse. Through her kindness, experience and skill set, Janine gave me simple, effective tools and techniques to cut through the crazy making world of the narcissist, allowing me to find a beautiful life on the other side. No
nonsense, no toxic positivity. Janine is the real deal. Come learn to celebrate your life with Janine – she’ll show you how.”

~ Syd L. 2023

“I was drawn to Janine because she had a narcissistic mother, like me. Knowing she had real world experience was important, not just theoretical advice. Janine proved to be a lighthouse for me recovering from narcissistic abuse. She offered me courage and faith when I lacked it myself. She taught me that the thoughts and feelings that came up around relationships, values and boundaries were programs installed in me. They were not who I was or what I truly thought. She helped me to feel seen and she make me feel safe. Janine is a wonderful coach, who listens, inspires, leads with joy, offers abundance, and can lend you the strength you need to make a pivot.”

~ Diane 2023

"Janine understands. Her individualized approach starts with creating a safe, loving space where I am seen and I can explore to the deepest levels of me and my experiences, without judgement. Her insight, caring and compassion, coupled with practical, intuitive tools and exercises, are a powerful and effective combination. I was in therapy with a licenced psychologist for years and we hardly scratched the surface of what Janine and I have unpacked, laid bare and tackled in a few months. With Janine’s help, I am finally excited for my journey, to live a life consistent with my true values with joy and abundance. If you do the work, you can too. Thank you Janine!”

~ S.J.H. 2023

“I nearly went back to my narcissist partner for the 5 th time! Hard to believe I was heading in that direction again and that’s when I finally got the courage to talk with Janine. Janine, you helped me find my integrity and put a value on it that helped me to stand strong in my decision to once and for all, leave the relationship. I discovered so much about myself and most importantly how to keep my promises to myself because through working with you
my personal value went up along with my confidence to honor myself. Pleasing others is easy for me and it took effort to learn to please myself first. I learned to move towards me instead of away from me (if that makes sense lol). Thank you Janine and I hope many others have the opportunity to work with you!!!”

~ Olivia C. 2022

“I didn’t know what to expect but knew I needed help. I was stuck and it was starting to affect my health, and entering my senior years I knew I couldn’t put off getting help. I talked to many therapists and counsellors but wasn’t able to really connect with them. Then I found Janine who truly gets it from her own experience, and I finally felt safe. It’s been baby steps for me and I am unlearning the things that kept me stuck. The most profound thing I’ve learned is that the narcissist takes away your essence and as a result, I was contributing to my constant poor internal dialogue. I am now more self aware and I feel confident in who I am and who I’m still becoming. I still have a ways to go but I know I’m in the right place. Saying ‘thank you’ to Janine just doesn’t cover it.”

~ E. E. 2022

“Janine wow, is a very amazing woman. Janine is a lady that totally understands & gets how you feel. She has the knowledge to give you the most positive feedback and tools to motivate you to move forward.”

~ Tracy 2023

“Janine is so welcoming and warm and I found it easy to open up to her. Her wisdom from her own experience helped me to know I wasn’t alone and that she really understood me. Her homework was always interesting and really helped me to move forward in my life.”

~ Sherry L. 2022

“I learned so many skills to manage my feelings and I can use these skills with any emotional difficulty. Being able to process the craziness I experienced from my narcissistic partner is no longer such a burden. Learning to focus on me rather than him makes all the difference. You are amazing Janine!”

~ Carie C. 2022

What You Can Expect

You will feel Seen

Everything about you matters. Your thoughts and emotions need to be shared with someone who genuinely gets you, and cares.

You will feel understood

There is no need to defend or explain yourself as I’ve been where you are now. I get it.

You will feel heard

Your voice and your message is important, and I will listen deeply, without judgement, to what you have to say.

You will feel safe

This is your safe space to express yourself in your own way, and everything we talk about is guaranteed to be confidential.

You will feel supported

You are not alone on this journey. You will be encouraged all the way, and we will celebrate your triumphs.
• Narcissistic Abuse Recovery & Empowerment Coach
• Certified Professional Coach
• Member of the International Alliance of Holistic Therapists
• International Best-Selling Author
o Transforming Trauma
o Gratitude, Challenges & Opportunities Journal
o Parent to Parent
• Executive Contributor to Brainz Magazine
• Speaker
• Humanitarian
Book Your Call To Speak With Me

My Mission

To ensure that everyone who suffers from the toxic dysfunctional
mind-bending trauma of Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships receives the warmth and support they need to recover and live an empowered life.

Send me your direct message.

This is a safe and confidential space. Rest assured that any information shared through this form is treated with the utmost care and privacy. Your trust is important to me, and I am committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of the information you provide.